Fabulous People: Carmen Starks
Carmen Starks is the CEO of Starks Candle Co. (a k a self-care candles), which offers hand-poured candles that are bursting with personality. Starks Candle Co. even has a monthly subscription service. Learn about Carmen Starks…
Hometown: Chicago, IL
First job: For as long as I can remember, I have always been an entrepreneur. At the age of 12, I mastered hair braiding and started taking clients. After I graduated from junior high, I went straight to cosmetology school and received my hair license. I have done a host of other things but entrepreneurship has always been my passion.
Favorite ways to spend time in Arizona: I love the Arizona sun. It just makes me feel happy and positive. I love the mountains and spending my free time outdoors hiking. My absolute favorite way to spend free time is with my family. I love when my dad comes to town for a visit; it brings me joy to show him all the wonderful things in Arizona.